SealGuard Terminates 764,640 Gallons of Infiltration in Leesburg, VA

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Center Sanitary Sewer System Manager
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We have been astonished by the way that your product (Sealguard) has performed for us here at Leesburg. Since January of 2004 we have officially dedicated a 2 man crew to do our manhole grouting. We are taking advantage of the ability to grout the leaks when we find them and are having tremendous success. In the past we were contracting out the grouting of our manholes, and I can recall more than once when you finally get the contractor there, 40% of the leaks has stopped. After experiencing that a few times, and having the Acrylimide grout material that they were using fail on a number of manholes, we decided to start searching for a material that we could use, and offered the results that we needed. This is how we come across your company, and it is with great pleasure to say that this product and your company have restored our hopes in the grouting industry. The following shows some statistics that we have been tracking since we started with your product: January 2004 to present, we have grouted 186 manholes, stopped 531 gallons of infiltration and used 230 man-hours in the process. Our calculations are 531 gallons per minute x 24 hour period is 764,640 thousand gallons of infiltration stopped, Our plant capacity is 4.5 mgd, and if you do the math it will show we have reclaimed 17% of our plants capacity