I wanted to express how pleased our company is with the Pipe Patch System we purchased from your company and the exemplary service we have received.
We were first introduced to this product when we were contacted by WV Rural Water Associations Jim Johnson who asked if we would be interested in a demonstration and training on Pipe Patch. Jim knew our company struggles like many do with 1&1 issues. We were introduced and t rained on the Pipe Patch System by Gregg Conklin and seeing is believing! To be able to adequately repair a sewer main without digging is nothing short of amazing.
Gregg worked hands on with our staff to show them how the Pipe Patch System worked. Three 1&1 repairs were made in two days without digging! The system is easy to use and with on-site training our staff was comfortable in using the system within those first two days.
I think after seeing the Pipe Patch System any utility or contractor could easily identify the benefits derived by owning the system. Our company realized that many benefits can be derived from a product that allows a repair to be made without digging such as the time and cost of the staff, excavation equipment, backfill material, asphalt, road closings and the reduced flow to our treatment plant just to name a few.
We have had our Pipe Patch System since October 2011 and could not be any more pleased with the results. hope that other utilities as well as contractors would take the opportunity to find out how your product can improve their systems repair time, cost and efficiency. I would highly recommend the Pipe Patch System to anyone in the industry it is a great product that is backed by exceptional service.