In looking for a point lining repair solution, it was important for the Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) of Greater Cincinnati to find a system that proved to be a long term solution once installed, while being cost effective, and allowing MSD’s in‐house crews to perform the work safely. MSD found that PipePatch is an effective tool for repairing sewer pipes. One of the properties of the PipePatch product that caught MSD’s attention is that it adheres to the existing sewer pipe and its strength ensures durability. The PipePatch product also appealed to MSD because of the potential cost savings. It is estimated that a typical repair job with the same dimensions as that of the PipePatch product at an average depth of 11 feet is approximately $3700; this cost includes labor, restoration, material, flowable fill, equipment, and permit. When compared to the PipePatch product, it was estimated that there may be a 65% cost reduction per application since one PipePatch installation costs approximately $1300, which includes labor, material, and equipment.
Not only did MSD find cost effectiveness to be a great benefit but there is an opportunity to optimize productivity. A...
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Product: S1E PipePatch