
Flexible coupling for pipe bursting and pipe ramming underground pipe repair

August 2015 - Davison, Mich. : Source One Environmental (S1E) has announced a new product offering, the SilverBack XL, designed for pipe bursting and ramming applications. An extended flexible coupling, the SilverBack XL is a trenchless product that will serve as a useful tool for municipalities and underground contractors to create permanent, strong pipe connections.


North Olmstead, Ohio holds 37,000 residents who are served by 159 miles of a sanitary sewer system beneath Cleveland South. The sewer lines, mostly installed between 1960 and 1974, consists of vitrified clay pipe, 2,800 manholes and 900 hydrants. After three years of a continuous sewer overflow problem, the North Olmstead team has the situation under control due to a huge $39 million capital improvement program and ongoing maintenance procedures.


Scranton, Pa., Jun. 10th, 2015 - Teaming up with Hammerhead and Picote Systems, Source One Environmental (S1E) effectively repaired three separate return lines at the Montage Mountain Ski Resort in Scranton, Pa.

S1E Website Design

Mich. May 27, 2015: Source One Environmental (S1E), a trenchless pipe repair technology manufacturer, launched a different website ( design and layout to create a more user-friendly resource for customers.


Problem: The Clear Creek Conservancy District in west-central Indiana began noticing a sharp rise in sewer system flows in the last five years, setting off high-level alarms in lift stations. The district sought a sewer-televising contractor to find the source of additional flow. It also requested the contractor locate and document any defects or causes of infiltration.


Texas, Jan., 2015: Source One Environmental (S1E) was awarded Ted Berry Company 2014 Supplier of the Year at the Underground Construction Technology (UCT) conference and exhibition.

The UCT conference ran from Jan. 25th-29th in Houston, Texas in order to showcase products within the Underground Building Construction Industry. S1E attended and had a booth at the conference in order to build application and product awareness, along with reach out to customers about training and consultation services.


For the past decade, a small company in central Ohio has created a business around the daunting task of assisting small communities with issues at their wastewater treatment plants. The largest objective, typically, is combating the inflow-and-infiltration (I/I) that overwhelms and plagues most of our nation’s municipalities.
This couldn’t be more evident in its most recent challenge in the Village of Ashley, Ohio, which called upon its services.