Lateral Lining System Curing Equipment

Even heating up of the liners and rapid reaching of the required curing temperatures are ensured by means of our hot water units – the pre-requisite for high-quality and economic renovation. We offer curing equipment with various capacities depending on the size and length of the hose liner introduced into the sewer for curing.

Lateral Lining Curing Equipment Steam Fitting
Lateral Lining Curing Equipment
Curing Equipment Specifications
S1E-HOTBOX Diesel driven continuous-flow water-heaterS1E Diesel HotBox.  9 gallons per minute internal pump.  300,000 BTU output.  Hose set optional
S1E-HOTBOX HOSE SET S1E Air and electric driven wetout table. 14" roller.  278 lbs.   
S1E-STEAM-FITTING Inversion Drum attachment to regulate steam units